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sparkwithScala Courses

  • 20 Classes
  • 17 Minutes
  • 9 Students
  • trending

The course is taught by highly experienced Scala developers who use Scala on a daily basis for real world commercial projects..

  • ₹120,00 
    ₹14 000,00
  • No Rating

  • (0 Reviews)
What learn
  • Have the skills to start making money on the side, as a casual freelancer, or full time as a work-from-home freelancer
  • Easily create a beautiful HTML & CSS website with Bootstrap (that doesn't look like generic Bootstrap websites!)
  • Fully understand how to use Custom Post Types and Advanced Custom Fields in WordPress
  • Allow your clients to update their websites by themselves by creating user accounts
  • Cut away a person from their background
  • 13 Classes
  • 300 Minutes
  • 2 Students
  • trending

sparkwithScala is a tool created by Apache Spark Community for using Python with Spark. It allows working with RDD (Resilient..

  • ₹1,00 
  • No Rating

  • (0 Reviews)
What learn
  • Have the skills to start making money on the side, as a casual freelancer, or full time as a work-from-home freelancer
  • Easily create a beautiful HTML & CSS website with Bootstrap (that doesn't look like generic Bootstrap websites!)
  • Fully understand how to use Custom Post Types and Advanced Custom Fields in WordPress
  • Allow your clients to update their websites by themselves by creating user accounts
  • Cut away a person from their background